Serenity in the Center of Corner Brook
- Day 5 Voyage of the Vikings 2019
- Saturday, Aug. 3, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
True to its name, Corner Brook has a delightful brook flowing through town, much of it through property owned by the local paper and pulp company. The Corner Brook Stream Trail encircles the stream, a marsh and a large pond, and the company has opened the area to the public. It is a wonderful resource both for locals and for tourists. It is a haven of nature in the middle of the town.

The walk to town from the pier is perhaps half a mile, but school buses provided free rides throughout the day. We joined the trail just behind city hall and, on the advice of a local turned left at the first opportunity to pass below the marsh and over the stream to work our way up to the pond. Lots of people were walking their dogs, and I’ll just say none were little “frou-frou” dogs.

The trail wanders through grasslands and then the woods. A couple of fellow cruisers had settled in to sketch and watercolor a forest view of the stream. When we emerged from the woods, I found a bench on the bank of the pond and let my sisters go ahead while I stayed back to sketch.

After finishing the trail I stopped in the Crown and Moose Pub to have a lunch of fish and chips with a local Iceberg beer and visit with Beth and Dan, friends from the 2017 Grand Asia. The weather was sunny and unseasonably warm. I hear today is our last day of highs in the 80s and nearly cloudless skies.

Being much larger, the Zuiderdam has more evening entertainment options than the Amsterdam. After dinner we enjoyed the piano duo in the Billboard bar and then went to the Main Stage show. I had seen Australian singer Annie Frances and her Celebrate the 70s show last fall, but it was just as enjoyable the second time.

Last night we were instructed to set our clocks ahead 30 minutes. The last time I had a 30-minute time change was sailing into Darwin, Australia. As long as I remember to change all my electronics it isn’t an issue. I guess we will have frequent time changes as we cross the North Atlantic.

At 9:30 p.m. the sun had set and left a beautiful orange streak on the horizon. My iPhone did a poor job of capturing the color.
Marvelous posts! Your photos are wonderful and the drawings enchanting! How long do you spend to do one of these?
Thanks! This one maybe an hour to sketch and a little less to paint.
Great pictures, great sketches.
So excited to see you captured my friend sketching along with her husband ? I am really enjoying your beautiful posts !!
Oh yes, I remember Corner Brook, and the rambling brook. Love your sketches, I am really impressed! And from your last post….Kobe, that was the last time I have eaten steak, because I just do not eat red meat. However, if I am ever in Kobe again you can bet I will eat Kobe Steak! What an experience, we talk about it often!