Falkland Islands from the Ship
Day 25, Grand World Voyage 2020
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020; Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
We made it to the Falkland Islands this morning, but only to the harbor. Shortly after arriving, the captain announced that the local harbormaster had closed the harbor for our small tenders, deeming conditions too rough to bring passengers ashore. So that was that.

Actually, there was a little more to it. I’ll let Capt. Jonathan explain his own words from his blog:
“The forecast had never been good, we had been in a north-easterly gale since the day before and predictions were that there would be no abatement for our call. Nevertheless, we would give it a ‘go’….
“We were ‘crabbing’ sideways in the 40-knot winds as we abruptly swung head to wind to our anchor position. Starboard anchor, 7 shackles of chain, (approximately 600 feet, 200 m) laid out and holding. A fine adjustment of heading, this to try and give the port side some ‘shelter’, (I use the term loosely) and tenders splashed in the water….
“We send our first ashore, a 1½-mile trip, in rough seas towards the intended disembarkation floating dock. It takes our Security staff and safety Officer only, no guests. We wait for a report on conditions at the dock, can we? Can’t we? For what seemed an interminable time all was quiet and then the radio burst into life … There are waves breaking over the low dock, the Tender is having challenges staying alongside and for good measure, the Harbour Master deems it unsafe. Well, that settles that….
“Wind now gusting up to 47 knots (52 mph, 82 kph), we call our tender back and start recovering the others that have remained close to the ship, I make the regrettable announcement to guests.“
Months earlier I had purchased tickets for a ship’s excursion on 4×4 Land Rovers to Bluff Cove Lagoon, the site of a penguin reserve. It is home to more than 1,000 breeding pairs of Gentoo penguins, as well as King and Magellanic penguins. Birds that frequent the area include skuas, upland geese, ruddy-headed geese, Magellanic oystercatchers, South American terms, dolphin gulls, flightless Falkland steamer ducks, snowy sheathbills and southern giant petrels, according to the description.

When the captain canceled our port stop. I headed to my cabin for my DSLR camera with its zoom lens, knowing this would be my only chance to take photos of the Falklands.

The Amsterdam wasn’t the only ship in Port Stanley harbor. Celebrity Cruises’ Eclipse with about 3,000 passengers had pulled in an hour before us. During breakfast we watched its tenders being tossed by the waves. Already 200 of its passengers had tendered ashore, so when the harbormaster closed the tender docks, the Eclipse had to retrieve those passengers before it could leave. We sailed just past its bow in the tight harbor as we left.
I’m no stranger to missing ports – we skipped two on the 35-day Voyage of the Vikings last summer and a few during my recent Grand Asia cruises. The disappointment of missing out on seeing so many penguins up close and personal on the Falklands was balanced a little by the conditions – gale-force winds and rain. The excursion would have been miserable at times, I think.
Now we had an unexpected open day ahead of us. Our friend Peter, who swims every day, didn’t allow a little weather to stop him.

The cruise director and his staff quickly put together a full agenda of activities. I considered it serendipitous and decided to catch up on adding watercolor to my recent sketches. Because I have to let each two-page spread dry before moving on, it can be slow, and I am behind. It will be eight days before our next port, so I should have plenty of time to bring the book up to date.
First are some sketches from our day at Carnaval Experience in Rio:

Then sketches from Punta del Este, Uruguay, where we visited a country estate to sample olive oils and back in town saw La Mano, a sculpture on the beach. I still need to add labels to all.

When I did the Antarctica trip (Chile to Argentina) we were deemed lucky to make it into the Falklands. Did the tour on 4×4’s, saw the penguins and had tea provided by the wives. It was a special day, so sorry you had to miss it.
We’ve been enjoying your blog in South America. Your writing makes the simplest things sound interesting! You have a gift. We took the Grand So. America cruise a couple years ago. Unfortunate you didn’t get to the Falklands – one of our favorite stops mixsing with the Penguins. We are booked on the Grand So. Africa trip this year, so look forward to meeting you.
Denise and Scott
Awwww, so sorry you miss making it into the Falklands but with weather like that you were indeed lucky Captain did not try to the attempt. Even when we made it in 2016, once we were on land, we were still very cold and the wind felt it blew right through us. But the penguin colony was something I’ll never forget.
Loved your sketches! Dan would have been in heaven seeing the birds and we are so sorry the ship encountered the bad weather which made it impossible to anchor. Eight sea days will be relaxing for you all. Enjoy your blog so much Jo!!
When we were in the Falklands in 2011, we had the opposite problem from you. We were able to tender ashore just fine and had a wonderful tour of the Falklands-Argentine War battlefields. But when we returned to the boat landing, we were informed that the ship’s tendering services had been suspended due to the weather. Since there were quite a few passengers ashore, the ship (Prinsendam) hired local fisherman to ferry us back to the ship. Their boats were a bit larger than the ship’s tenders, and we had no problem returning. I am sorry you were not able to get ashore. The Falklands is a great place with a great deal of history.
We are really enjoying your blog. Your narrative, pictures and sketches bring your cruise alive for us. I hope to be as creative as you during our Grand Africa Voyage next October. Hope you have smooth sailing during the rest of your World Cruise. We look forwrds to seeing you in October.
Tom Watson
I’m looking forward to seeing you, too, Tom!