India’s Out; Western Australia’s In
Day 61, Grand World Voyage 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020; At Sea, Tasman Sea
I don’t typically write a blog post about sea days, as most are pretty much the same and there isn’t a lot to write about. But I’ve always been a reporter at heart, so when there is something to write about, out comes the laptop.
No one was surprised today at noon when Capt. Jonathan ended his noon nautical and meteorological report by saying he had an announcement to make. Our schedule is changing again.
Most passengers are happy that instead of heading for Sri Lanka and India, we will sail south down the western coast of Australia and then across the Indian Ocean to Réunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar. Hearty applause greeted the captain’s announcement throughout the Lido pool deck, where I heard it. Most people like the idea of seeing more of Australia.

Yesterday we heard rumors that Sri Lanka had decided to deny stops by cruise ships, so the ports of Colombo and Hambantota (added last week) already were in doubt.
The issue with Mumbai was two-fold. A number of passengers were not interested in stopping in India, thinking that it is awfully close to Asia and the spreading coronavirus. In addition, the Indian visa process is said to be onerous and lengthy. There was some hope that India would make an exception and issue a blanket visa for the ship’s passengers, but that didn’t happen.
So now we will almost do a circumnavigation of Australia. After calling on Sydney this weekend, we’ll head north up the eastern coast to Townsville and Cairns and circle north to Darwin. Then instead of heading to Indonesia as originally planned or Sri Lanka per the first revision, we’ll sail south down Australia’s west coast, stopping in Broome, Exmouth, Geraldton and finally in Fremantle (by Perth) for an overnight.
Fremantle will be the end of our current segment, replacing Singapore (original schedule) and Colombo (first revision). I’m hoping that my friend and lecturer Kate Ross will catch up with us there.
From Fremantle we will sail west for seven sea days to La Possession, Réunion, and then pick up the earlier schedule.

I’m fine with living with a degree of uncertainty, because I fully expect that we will have at least one more revision. Last Sunday some angry crowds greeted a Princess cruise ship in Réunion – they didn’t like that the ship had been in Thailand much earlier. Daily we see new developments in the spread of covid-19, as this coronavirus is called, and in the measures countries take to protect their residents.
A healthy dose of patience doesn’t stop the rumors flying around the ship. This morning someone said she heard that 200 people plan to leave the voyage this weekend in Sydney and fly home. A few early departures wouldn’t surprise me, but I doubt it would be anywhere near that number. Someone heard that after spending some time in Australia we would head to Hawaii and then back to the states. Someone even suggested (wishful thinking?) that maybe we could go back to the Falklands to pick up our missed stop there — or just hang out sailing around Antarctica until the virus goes away. Yes, it’s crazy.
Meanwhile we’re all washing our hands constantly, and I’m trying to stop myself from touching my face (which just makes my nose itch). I’ve scheduled a three-day overland safari to Kruger National Park in April to replace my cancelled trip to the Maasai Mara in Kenya. And I’m still signed up for this fall’s Grand Africa circumnavigation and next year’s world cruise, with stops planned in Japan, China and Italy.
After all, travel is an adventure, and almost anywhere we go will be new to me. So I’ll just end with a few travel memes from the interwebs….

Jo, I met you last spring on the 24 day cruise from Auckland to San Francisco. Is your sis yet from Ft. Smith with you? I lived in Ft. Smith 25 years, moved back to Dallas, then retired to Van Buren. You will love Perth! My grandson and wife live there and I have visited several times. Have enjoyed following your travels!!
Doris, I’m traveling now with my other sister, but my Fort Smith sister is booked on a future cruise with the two of us. I’m looking forward to Perth and the other western Australia ports.
Loved the memes and your optimistic sense of adventure. Looking forward to more sketches.
Dear Jo,
Today, while reading another passenger’s blog, I learned of new changes to Holland America’s World Cruise itinerary. After careful consideration, I have decided to cancel my contract to work as a destination speaker on this cruise. Although I am not concerned about my own health and safety, I simply do not want to be seen as a perceived risk to folks on a cruise ship or and/or friends and family at home.
I love being a destination speaker because I am to communicate with passengers both on stage and in less formal, more relaxed situations. If by boarding a ship after long international flights, I could inadvertently bring the virus onto the ms Amsterdam, I could create a situation that might impact the entire ship. I do not want cause any additional stress to what is already a tense situation, so it’s the most logical decision for me and for the health of the ship to stay home.
I am booked on the Grand Africa in the fall and I hope to catch up with you then. And i know you will continue to make the best of each day on your cruise.
My very best to you, Jo,
Kate Ross
I’m so sorry you won’t be here, Kate, but I certainly understand. And who knows how many changes we have ahead of us. I’m also thrilled you are booked on Grand Africa and will look forward to seeing you then!
Hi Jo, I guess I would consider getting off in New Zealand or Australia and rethink how and when to get back home. Best, Delia
Jo, I admire how stoic and flexible you seem to be regarding the uncertainty of your itinerary and the unknowns of the entire situation. I would never try to counsel another traveler on what to do since it is not my place. But as of this morning with info currently available I am pretty sure that if it were me I’d be bailing in Australia or NZ regardless of the disappointment and/or the possible financial hit, and heading straight home on a plane.
Lila, I appreciate your concern. At this point, it might be safer on the ship than traveling through a huge airport and flying home. Who knows?
I haven’t seen any panic among people on board. Generally, these are very seasoned travelers who expected on a cruise of this length that we might miss some ports. A surprising number don’t really care where we go — they come every years and just go along for the ride, having been to all these ports repeatedly.
There was the boat that came from HI to SF and I guess brought the Kung Flu – everyone is in a panic. I am sure there’s a lot of anxiety on the boat from folks about the ‘unknown’. Just like anything, do what you can do by washing your hands and not licking any counters and everything will be ok. I am on Mom and the kids a little more given her respiratory issues to be extra mindful about what they touch and washing up.
I find it interesting that the India visa process is said to be onerous and lengthy – given the offshore relationship that US businesses have with that country.
We’re following all the cruise news with interest.
And tell the kids to sing through Happy Birthday twice while washing hands. A quick wash and rinse isn’t always enough!
Hey, Jo!
Your many adventures continue and I agree your best bet is to stay aboard.
Do you remember Cindy Heinemann from the MINI club? She lives on Reunion Island with her fiancé. Just saying, in case you want to connect.
Be safe and don’t stop having fun!