And Just Like That, Our Cruise is Ending
Day 70, Grand Half-World Voyage 2020
Saturday, March 14, 2020; At Sea – Arafura Sea
We’re coming home.
I’m not sure exactly how or when, but this morning Holland America decided to end our Grand World Voyage on March 24 in Fremantle (Perth), Australia. It’s part of a move by all cruise ship companies to “pause” the industry for 30 days due to the covid-19 virus.
Frankly, we would just as soon they “pause” us on the ship. In fact, there is a groundswell of support on board for just setting sail straight for Florida, stopping only as needed for provisions and bunkering.
I had seen the news on Holland America’s website before Captain Jonathan made the announcement shortly before noon. I think he had planned it as part of his daily update a little later, but the news already was flying around the decks.

We have lots of questions and few answers. How will we get home? According to the Holland America statement, the company will make travel arrangements for those who booked air through the company’s program. Others are instructed to contact their airlines to make flight changes. But many passengers are from Florida and drove to the port. We booked our flights on Southwest Air, which doesn’t help much from Australia.
We are toying with possibly traveling in Australia for a bit before flying home. It makes some sense, as we’re already here and it might take a while to get everyone on the ship onto a flight. Everyone at home on Facebook seems to say, “Stay!”
The shipboard internet ground to a halt with the announcement as everyone jumped online to share the news. So I’ve had no opportunity to even research options yet.
How do I feel? I’m probably still in shock and denial. And disappointed. I’m not ready to go home halfway through my first world cruise. And I’m really not ready to even think about packing. There’s still a lot of the world to see. The mood in the dining room tonight was sober, despite it being a gala night with an “Under the Sea” theme.
I’m trying to look ahead. Assuming things get back to some kind of “normal” by fall, I’ll leave from Boston in early October for the Grand Africa, circumnavigating that continent and returning to Florida in December.

Then on to the 2021 Grand World Voyage – with plans for sailing up the Amazon and then heading to Japan, China, India, Dubai, Israel, Turkey and eventually back to Florida.

It’s a crazy world, and who knows where that voyage will actually go, or if it will sail at all.
For now, I have five more Australian ports to enjoy and a few days at sea.
Dear Jo,
Whatever you decide, you have my prayers for your safety and serenity as you find your way home.
Until we meet again…
Be safe Jo! We are hoping that Holland will take care of EVERYONE’S air back to Ft Lauderdale and beyond as they did for the Westerdam passengers. They are swamped back here right now with last minute cancellations. What a mess. Unfortunately although I don’t douvt that thos virus has been serious for many people, I feel much of this reaction is due to the way the media chose to over hype it. We are in wait and see mode on Grand Africa as we are afraid if it does go it won’t be the itinerary we signed up for. Be safe and stay well. Tallulah/ Takinoff
So sorry to hear about your cruise cancellation. Hopefully, Holland will have a repeat of the itinerary. Having been on board for the South Pacific cruise, some passengers were looking forward to visit the South Hemisphere.
Sorry to learn of your disappointing news. I have been thinking about you and was hoping you were off in some part of the world largely unaffected by the virus -although there are so few unaffected places remaining. Things are starting to get pretty crazy here in NY – where we now have the highest # of reported cases in the US.
Wherever you decide to hunker down, I wish you safe travels. Again, very sorry about the abrupt end of your amazing adventure.
Jo, I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I know how much you were looking forward to Africa as I would have been. I think you’re better off staying in Australia for a while. It’s absolutely nuts here. The run on the grocery stores is unbelievable. Rich couldn’t even get a single pound of hamburger meat at the Flemington Shop Rite the other night and we have no cases of the virus here in Hunterdon County (that we know of). The smaller mom and pop restaurants and businesses in this area are really hurting. Ironically, we have been enjoying the most mild winter in decades and are enjoying beautiful sunny days right now. Go figure! Whatever you decide, stay safe and enjoy life.
Safe and healthy travels. I am so sorry that your trip is being cancelled mid-voyage. I am another of your friends who will suggest stay and explore while you are there. Jackie came back last week from an extended stay in NZ and found a one way fare from Auckland to LAX for $340 with a couple of days stopover in Hawaii included. I am sure things are in turmoil as you plan return but there is quite a bit of turmoil here as well. Schools, Universities, libraries, museums, houses of worship all closing for two weeks minimum. Headed to library today to pick up some old fashioned paper books before they close.
I agree that it would make sense for HAL to bring all of you back to FLL. I suppose that they have their reasons but standing everyone in Perth hardly seems the smart thing to do. I think you should stay and enjoy Australia while you are there. Good luck, keep well, bon voyage!
Such a shame, Jo. My trip to the Galapagos has been canceled. If you stay in Australia, you might want to try Kangaroo Island, off the coast of Adelaide. We absolutely loved it there!
What a bummer! As the Captain so aptly put it on his blog…”It’s been a hell of a final voyage!”. I have so enjoyed traveling along with you via your blog, it has been wonderful. As others have said, it is indeed crazy here, the travel industry, especially the cruise industry, has taken a hit, long wait lines on the phone and its hard to get anything done online. And, not wanting to make things worse for them, those who have had to cancel just wait for them to work through their long list of cancellations. They say up to 10 business days or longer to get to your cancellation credits. All of that being said, I hope they do offer help getting you guys home, or some sort of accommodations if your choose to stay a while. Will pray for travel safety and something good to happen out of this!!
I am feeling and sharing your disappointment, Jo. I can only imagine how discombobulating this must be to all on the Amsterdam.
I stand firmly with those who believe the media as a whole has made an utter hash of this and irresponsibly created a panic way more than the virus itself (while certainly a concern) warrants or deserves, I also believe that the fear of “liability” has played into many of the immediate decisions of the travel industry, NBA, MLB, NCAA, the Masters, opera companies, Broadway shows, holiday parades, conventions, schools, etc, etc. Probably can’t blame them.
Anyway, I’m so glad that at least the first half of your world trip was memorable and has been mostly wonderful for you and your sister, Stay safe, and I hope to see you whenever you return to America to await your next cruise adventure.
No! I’m so sorry. I heard Princess also off loaded their world passengers. I also follow the Captains’s blog so I get his side off it too. Are they giving you credit or what are they doing to compensate you all? Anyway I read all you blogs and have so enjoyed everything. It brings back great memories of cruising with you. We hVe no cruise plans until this is sorted out. I’d like to do Africa and SA but it’s not the best time of year for us as we are enjoying the AZ weather. But I’m getting anxious to start looking again. The stores here are crazy and it’s a frenzy. No paper products or sanitizer or even baby wipes!!!! No cleaning supplies. All schools shutting down. You haven’t missed a thing but chaos.
Jo, The Prime Minister of Australia has just announced (today Sunday) anyone entering Australian will have to “self quarantine “ for 14 days. You may want to head straight home. Such a huge disappointment that your world tour has been cancelled. Stay safe and well.
You may have a problem getting back into the US with the new travel bans. And we are beginning to have “community” transmissions. We are in Northeast Ohio and have multiple cases that can be traced to travel but now have are beginning to have community cases. Schools and libraries are closed and churches are going to livestreaming services. Governor has issued ban on any gathering larger than 100. Bridge groups are cancelling because of passed cards and scoring pads.
We were in Texas, on a previously scheduled trip, to see kids during their Spring Break which has now been extended 2 weeks and all schools there are closed for 3 weeks. The kids are vectors for transmission as they go back and forth from home to school. Texas now has announced cases in San Antonio that are not related to the folks in quarantine and cases in Dallas. After traveling through several cities and 3 airports on our 9-day trip we are going to limit our contact with others as much as possible as a courtesy. Meetings are being scheduled via Zoom, etc. All university/college classes are going to online only
I do not think that the press is hyping it. It is a terrible illness and one of the local community cases (48 year old woman) has posted her experience and it is very scary. She was very lucky to get care in time and is recovering. But one on the things that is happening is that people who have recovered and tested negative are having a re-occurrence of the illness.
But on the good news some companies are stepping up – Enterprise has just posted that they are not going to charge the “underage penalty” on any college kids that need to move home
You will come home to a changed country.
Jo, we did a land tour of Australin in 1999. We opted for a 5 day extention “outback” and are SO happy we did. Alice Springs & Aires Rock are must see if you have the chance.
We are very much enjoying your blog, thank yoy for doing it. Hope to meet you on the Grand Africa Voyage. Jim
Jo, so sorry your journey will end too soon. Just be safe!! If you have not seen all of Australia, this might be the opportune time! Don’t miss Margaret River or Swan Valley wine tours just out of Perth. Also, the Outback/Alice Springs and Cairns are a must! If you have difficulty or need assistance in Perth let me know and my grandson, Ross, and wife live there and would be a good resource. He is CEO of Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia and they have lived there several years.
I am so sorry. I am sure you can sort this out and make the most of circumstances. It seems that the whole world is a bit of a mess. Keep us posted.
Sorry to hear your voyage is coming to an early end.. I have enjoyed taking this journey with you through your words. Stay safe and healthy