Finding My Land Legs
Day 35, Staying at Home
Monday, April 27, 2020; Dallas, Texas
We were warned we would come home to a different world. They were right.
Last Thursday marked a month since our return from the “Grand Half-World Voyage 2020” as I took to describing our interrupted cruise. We left after day 77 while the MS Amsterdam was docked in Fremantle, Australia, and flew home to Dallas.
Now I’m living in a guest room in my sister’s house. We carefully isolated ourselves for two weeks and, just as we hoped, showed no signs of covid-19. Elaine’s friend who lived with our pets while we were gone spends her weekdays working from the other guest room. Elaine is gardening while pondering re-joining the workforce.

And what do I do? Not nearly as much as I would have thought.

At first there was the unpacking, laundry, sorting mail and other immediate chores. I quickly finished signing up for Medicare and the related supplemental programs as my insurance ended a week after our return. I went ahead and did my taxes, even though I had filed for an extension, because I was due a refund.
Meanwhile, I’ve kept in touch with many friends from the world cruise on a group Facebook page and enjoyed some social distancing happy hours with a few on Zoom or FaceTime.

We are following the crazy journey of the Amsterdam. It sailed west to South Africa from Fremantle for a scheduled fuel and provisioning stop in Durban. From there the plan was to round the cape and head for Fort Lauderdale, Fla. But as it became obvious cruising wouldn’t resume soon, the corporate office decided to send the Amsterdam back east to repatriate non-essential crewmembers in Indonesia and the Philippines. It just arrived in Jakarta today.

The Amsterdam still is carrying the luggage many of us left behind to be shipped home once the cruise ship arrived in Florida. However, Holland America just emailed us saying it would try instead to ship our luggage from a yet-to-be-determined port in Asia (when they find one that will accept it), after which it will take up to 60 days to arrive here. I’m glad I didn’t leave anything essential. It’s not like I would be wearing those gala dresses to dinner at home.
I’m also following the roll calls of some of the seven – yes seven! – future cruises I had booked. My plan for the next couple of years was to spend as much time as possible on cruise ships, staying in my sister’s guest room in between. That’s not going to happen. The cruise lines are slowly announcing cancelations a month or so in advance, but I just don’t see cruises resuming this year. As long as the highly contagious coronavirus is circulating, ships aren’t a great place to quarantine, and countries aren’t likely to welcome them to their ports.

As for myself, I think I will take a cautious and prudent path and probably not cruise again until we have a vaccine. I’m at that point where age itself, along with the underlying conditions that come with it, make me think twice about setting off to sea with hundreds of people. So I’m going to give a little thought to what else I might do in the meantime.
These plans may not have much to do with life on the seven seas, but I’ve already heard from some followers of this blog that you’d like to follow along wherever the journey takes me. So I’ll keep posting – about life in the time of covid-19 from my perspective and how a cruiser keeps busy on land. I’ll include some updates on my sketching while walking the neighborhood, painting and whatever else might be of interest.

Please comment with what’s happening in your life and what topics interest you in the interim. Because I do believe it is an interim. We will cruise again, in one fashion or another.
As John Masefield published in Sea Fever in 1902:

So glad to hear you are safe and sound!
I really have enjoyed your blogs… so I am glad you will keep them up!
So sorry your plans got derailed!
Agree with you about travel…it’s off the plate until there is a vaccine.
In fact most of life is off the plate.
Looking forward to your watercolors however!
I join you in approaching cruising carefully. Probably won’t cruise again until vaccine.
Thanks for continuing to post, I enjoy your musings.
I always enjoy reading your blog. We too are cancelling our 2020 and 2021 cruises. Not until vaccine or cure. Keep writing and stay healthy.
Hi Jo and all,
My Toronto roommate Peter came to Prescott, AZ and here we both reside for an indefinite period. Trip home was atypical but arrived on time and healthy following 14 day quarantine. House watch man was pressed into service to reprovision grocery inventory. So far, so good for us.
Peter in contact with several former Amsterdam cruisers who had quite complicated trips home.
We canceled Grand Africa 2020 and booked Grand Africa 2021 by which time we hope there will be a vaccine taken by everyone. Still we will be cautious about excursions when in ports.
Other than traveling, I don’t have many hobbies. I knit and read when I’m traveling.
At home, I seem to spin my wheels and spend my time watching travel shows, and reading about Ports of Call on Trip Advisor and Cruise Critic. I also look at to see where all the HAL ships are now.
Meanwhile, I think traveling by car and exploring the Blue Ridge Parkway might be fun…..more fun than on a plane, train, or ship … least until everyone takes the vaccine. But I will carry wipes with me to wipe down motel doorknobs, light switches, tv remote, etc. etc. etc. Yes, it is a different world!
Thank you for your updates – always enjoyable to read.
Two questions:
1. Would you share the facebook page with me? I was on the cruise as well, and it would be fun to know what happened to everyone.
2. May I ask what you did as a career before you retired?
Glad your are home safe and sound. It is a strange new world, isn’t it?
So you know who I am, my husband Don and I were on the cruise. I was the one who asked you about compressing photos for WordPress, and we spoke a few times in passing.
Great to hear from you, Karen! The group is World cruise 2020 HAL Amsterdam. It is private so the admin will probably need to approve you. Let me know if you run into problems.
Before retiring I initially worked as a reporter and editor for daily newspapers, then in public relations for a big company and finally as a PR consultant and writer. I still do a little bit of consulting and writing, but not too much. You can find more background at my website, although I’m a bit shamed to say I haven’t updated it in a while.
Jo, Glad you are doing well ashore. I know you miss being at sea, so do we. We are still booked on the HAL Grand Africa for this year, but are doubtful it will go. If it doesn’t we will probably book the 2021 Grand Africa. Quite a few have already cancelled the 2020 cruise in favor of 2021.. HAL did move the no penalty date to 4 August, giving us some breathing room. We are leery about the port visits in Africa as the coronavirus is just now impacting Africa in a big way. We really enjoyed your World Cruise, shortened as it was. Glad you made it home safely.
Keep safe. We hope to sail with you again real soon.
So good to hear from you. It is, indeed a different world. It must be a shock to your system to be isolated and not see lots of people.
We have no complaints, just a little bored.
Loved your blog! I feel for you that all your luggage is somewhere in the world. To bad it could not talk to share with you where it has been and where it is going before it gets back to you! We pretty much have decided not to cruise until there is a viable vaccine. So it is staying here . . . at least we are on own own community lake so Robert can fish or we can just boat around . . . that is if the weather ever gets nice enough to do some of that. Do you remember Father James that was the ship’s priest a few years ago . . . I think you were on that cruise. He is now a College Chaplain at a college in the Philippines. I had a note from him and he lost his grandfather a few weeks ago to the virus in England where he and James are from. We also have and elderly fellow on the lake that has been diagnosed with the virus just last week. So Illinois is a long way from opening up. So we stay at home pretty much. I have been up loading my cruise photos on Facebook under my page “Barbara’s Travel Page”. Then, I have also been sketching as Jack has a weekly assignment along with videos for those of us from our cruise who want to participate. It has been interesting to see what others have done as he share them with us. After I finish uploading my cruise photos I will be getting back to my genealogy projects and I have a ton of them to catch up on. So I think I have enough to keep me busy until we can travel again!!! Thanks for the great blog!!!!! Looking forward to the next. Barbara Ebeling
The only useful thing I’m doing in confinement is cleaning all the book shelves — many feet of them. About halfway through and have lost my impetus. But I have seen the need for this deep cleaning, so I will try to complete the task. I haven’t been anyplace except a grocery store since March 18. I’m beginning to be really bored with my semi-solitude (spouse is here, and the lawn-mowing guy is zipping around the property right now), but I’m trying to focus my interest on the happenings of our 11 acres of almost- country. Today we watched high drama: a large hawk tried to fly off with a heavy duck carcass while harassed by two vultures. The hawk lost the dead body but fought for it stubbornly. Less drama: bluebirds, wrens and brown threshers are nesting around the house. We have eaten a handful of our home-grown mushrooms each of the past 3 weeks. // So glad you are continuing to diary your life. I enjoy this connection even if it is far from the high seas.
I am so glad you will continue your journaling and posting your beautiful drawings. It was wonderful meeting you on the half world cruise. Stay safe, healthy and happy.
Oh Jo, thanks for your update :). I enjoyed reading the comments. I’m so surprised about your luggage! Yes that luggage would have a tale to tell if it could talk. We have tried to keep busy fixing things around our home and doing yard work. I think I have cleaned every drawer and cupboard and taken many things to drop off centers or to the trash. That part is always good but we both are saddened that we can not plan travel line we used to do. That was mostly my job and I have a passion for it. I even live to help others plan. We too feel we are waiting for a vaccine before we cruise or leave the country. We have stayed in place and see few others. I’m cooking more than usual and trying to stay on a routine for walking and exercising but the temperature in Phoenix is now in triple digits so not much outside stuff after 11 in the am. Now fire season will begin and our son in law flys the big helicopters that dump water. He was lucky to get out of Australia right before the virus really hit as he was there fighting their fires. I don’t really know how they will fight this year except they are saying few to no ground crews and all else by air.
We are enjoying g all the birds we have in AZ and feeding till it hurts our pocketbooks! Ha ha. I have heard from se real on the Grand Asia and keep in touch with several of the stewards too. But we can’t really complain. Dan does all the shopping we need and we have masks and gloves for getting gas. So we will remain steadfast in this journey. Take care my friend
Hello, We did enjoy our journey while it lasted. We had a 28 hour flight to Atlanta. Stayed two weeks and then headed home to Texas. We’ve been cleaning the house and getting it ready to sell. We were like you and planned to travel. Best made plans.? We walk twice a day and play golf when we can.
Enjoy reading your blog.
Jo, please keep blogging. I love seeing your sketches, watercolors and photos.
I’m sure I’ll enjoy your writing whatever your topic.
Stay safe!
So glad you are home safe and YES please keep posting and sharing your sketches.
Keep it up, kiddo.
Thanks so much for your post. I enjoy everything you write and love seeing your sketches. I was missing your posts after your cruise was over. Please keep posting. . .on any subject you choose!