Sailing Inside the Reef; Snorkeling In The Rain
Day 21, Grand World Voyage
Monday, Jan. 23, 2023; Uturoa, Raiatea, French Polynesia.
My friends Barbara and Richard love the Tales of the South Pacific cruises, with their many stops at the tropical islands from Tahiti to Fiji. They spend the days snorkeling and enjoying the beautiful beaches under the graceful palm trees.
I love the sea, but I’ve never felt that degree of passion for these islands or even those of the Caribbean. Perhaps it’s because my fair skin burns easily, I can sweat like a pig (do they even sweat?) and I get bored just lying on the sand. However, give me a cold local beer or an icy gin and tonic, a seat in shade and a gentle breeze, and I can people-watch for hours.
The latter is what Elaine and I did this afternoon at an outdoor restaurant on our way back from snorkeling in the rain. By the time we returned, the rain had stopped, the humidity had soared, and we just wanted something wet and cold.

French and Polynesian are the languages of all of French Polynesia. My two years of high school French don’t get me very far, and they didn’t help us ask the waitress about the various beers, or bieres, on the menu. We ordered a Tahitian brand, one each of Hinano Gold and Hinano Ambrée. We got the Gold and a Matavai Ambrée. Only later after paying did I notice they charged us for two of the more expensive Hinanos. Oh well, we enjoyed the break and can check two more breweries off our list.
My initial view of Raiatea was in the first light of morning through my drapes, which I had opened before bed. It looked like I could touch the nearby tree branches. Before dawn the Zuiderdam had cut through a small break in the coral reef surrounding the two islands of Raiatea and Taha’a, and we were moving at a steady pace in the lagoon just off the island of Taha’a toward the town of Uturoa on Raiatea.

By shortly after 8 a.m. we were moored and off on a boat excursion to vanilla and black pearl farms, followed by snorkeling from the beach of a motu, a small coral islet in the lagoon.
If the salt spray from the boat hadn’t gotten us wet, the rain shower that hit just as we arrived at the vanilla farm did. Even the cat took shelter.

We learned that while most vanilla comes from Madagascar, Indonesia and Mexico, Tahitian vanilla is a hybrid of two species and is hand pollinated. After learning about the long process of cultivating the vanilla beans, of course we had an opportunity to buy some from the source. I was tempted, but as I don’t have a house or a kitchen, I left it to Eloise to make the investment.

The rain had settled in, but we persevered on to a nearby cove to learn about black pearl farming. The tour description said we would get a guided tour of the farm, but in reality, we just sat for a demonstration of how the oysters are cultivated.

Then it was on in the rain to Motu Mahaea, a picturesque sandy islet covered in coconut palms. My sisters went ahead snorkeling during our brief stop while I walked around, avoiding getting conked on the head by a falling coconut, and took photographs.

On our way back, a school of reef sharks circled the boat just under the water’s surface.

When the Zuiderdam cruised in the South Pacific last fall, it rained every day. We’ve been lucky so far, as this was the first day we had more than a brief shower. And of course it is warm. We are in the South Pacific, not the American Midwest in the middle of winter. Life is good.
Just so happy that life is good for you now. So keep sipping those G&Ts and stay away from the sharks!!!
Pigs can’t sweat. Sweat like a racehorse (which I do) works better. 🙂
Thank-you for taking the time to write this blog. I look forward to each posting. Your descriptions make this region — one I have never been to — so enticing.
I don’t know how you find the time to write, though. As your earlier posting revealed, there is so much to do on the ship. I find it difficult to keep my friends and family abreast of what I am up to when I am on a ship. But, later I regret I didn’t get more of my experiences on paper. I do know that I will spend port days either near or on the water. It soothes my soul. And your letters inspire me to try harder to keep some sort of written record of my experiences.
I’m off again to work on the Grand Africa in the fall. I wish you were going to be on that cruise too.
Kate, I’m disappointed you aren’t on either of the grand cruises I’m taking in 2023. Maybe the 24 world cruise? Let me know if I can put in a good word. I heard great things about your lectures on the 22 Grand Africa.
Enjoyed your comments on loving the sea but not so much the tropical islands. Sympathize with enjoying a cold drink with a view instead of snorkeling, sunbathing on hot beach. Love to gaze over amazing hues of green and blue water, preferably from where it’s cool because I also ‘wilt’ in tropical climes, ha ha.
My favorite, not-city, part of the world, even though I am also a sweater., but I do remember that a gin/tonic or beer always made you feel better.
I could comment on your beautiful South Pacific posts–I love a warm rain–but instead I will verify that pigs don’t sweat, which is why they enjoy a nice mud wallow. Dogs don’t sweat, cats don’t sweat (what have they got to sweat about?) but horses do sweat. Men perspire and women glow, so they say….
More information I didn’t know — thanks, Daisy!
Jon Guttman, Research Director, World History (historynet dot com)
The expression [Sweat like a pig] dates to the days of industrial steel production and refers to pig iron, which was shaped in molds that had the pieces branching off to look like piglets suckling on a sow. Once produced, pig iron was not cool enough to move without burning anything it touched until it reached a point at which water vapor condensed on its surface, producing “sweat.” Hence, “sweating like a pig.” As for the barnyard animal, it doesn’t sweat much—not when there’s some nice mud to keep it cool.
So now we know! 🙂 Sweat like a pig, look like a fox.
Thanks for the background!
Lovely blog, so fun to read! BTW: 5 stars receive 2 complimentary specialty dining per cruise. On such a long cruise that isn’t much but nice to have!
Thanks for the reminder! I think I usually think of it as one Pinnacle and one Caneletto, which maybe it used to be. I’ll get my second freebee in at Pinnacle before going to Canaletto, then.