Easy Windshield Tour of Copenhagen is Just My Speed
Day 108, Grand World Voyage
Friday, April 21, 2023; Copenhagen, Denmark.
If you are mobility challenged as I am after my fall early this month, the Easy Copenhagen tour is a good choice. For two hours the Holland America excursion took us all around this beautiful city. It was just enough to entice me to come back some day to the capital of Denmark.
Our only stop was at the statue of the Little Mermaid. From what I hear, cruise ships used to dock nearby. But the city has built a new cruise port, surrounded by nothing much and too far for exploring by foot. For our grand cruise the ship offered a shuttle bus to the Little Mermaid area.

The statue was backlit by the sun in the early morning, making photographs less than ideal. I didn’t try to navigate the stone steps, deeming pictures from the sidewalk just fine for me. I found the nearby cherry trees in full blossom just as impressive.

From there we took a “windshield” tour. I was fortunate to get a seat in the front row of the bus, giving me a better view out the front. However, the driver frequently lowered the sun screen. While it is great to have a sunny day, it also creates extreme reflections in the windows of buses, so I gave up on taking lots of photos and just sat back to enjoy the ride. The Danes sure enjoy their statues.

They also have a lot of parks and green areas. Everyone was out enjoying the spring weather.

Eloise and Elaine took the hop-on, hop-off (HOHO) bus and jumped off to have lunch along one of the canals.

Other friends took off to favorite restaurants from previous visits. Later as we sailed away, Sweden was just to our starboard. I didn’t realize it was so close, but we don’t go there on this voyage.

Report from the President
Yesterday afternoon we had a session with Holland America’s president Gus Antorcha for more than two hours. After announcing the 2025 Grand cruise options, he briefly spoke about the cruise line’s return from the pandemic shutdown and its plans for the future. Then he opened the floor for questions, and stayed past the allotted time to answer every one of them.

As a retired public relations professional who has managed more than my fair share of such executive sessions, I thought Antorcha did a great job overall. He was truly interested in hearing feedback and turned frequently to his fellow officers to ask them to check into solutions.
The one thing everyone agreed on is the outstanding quality of Holland America’s crew. The company has reopened its crew schools in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand and is still trying to get staffing levels up. One challenge remains getting the necessary visas for crew members.
Antorcha admitted that the company hasn’t always gotten communications right on this Grand World Voyage. Passengers commented about the lack of theme nights and robust stage entertainment that usually highlight a grand voyage, giving it a more festive atmosphere.
Some comments got into minutia that could probably have been better addressed to members of the ship’s staff — the lack of boxes of All Bran at breakfast and the slow toasters comes to mind. (But a few days later I saw new small toasters in the Lido Market in place of the large commercial versions, so someone was listening.) Antorcha took those comments right in step.
One passenger thanked him, saying the meeting was somewhat cathartic. I would have to agree. By this time in a long cruise, I think some people are growing weary and, dare I say, bitchy. But there also are a lot of people who really don’t care about the pillow gifts or changes from world cruises of the past. We are glad to be back at sea, enjoying a remarkable trip around the world.

Copenhagen is a wonderful city. They get so much right. It is worth a second visit. The tulips were beautiful yesterday.
I am thoroughly enjoying your daily posts. Your increasing mobility is encouraging as you are able to get out more and experience the ports.. I, for one, will be sorry when this cruise ends as tagging along with you has been a joy.
Thanks, Susan. The good news is I will stay on until July and keep writing.
New toasters?? Yay! I’ll be there tomorrow….had given up on hot toast.
I guess everyone has their own “things”……but overall, we think this has been a fantastic trip. We’re not big entertainment people, but we DO love the food choices….having fresh blueberries back has been wonderful. This is our first world voyage and meeting and making new friends (hopefully for life) has been the best part of this trip.
I hear one of the new toasters has already bit the dust. Guess that’s why you need commercial versions for constant use.
Jo, your final statement of your wonderful post says it all. We are so lucky to be able to take Grand Voyages again and what are they about if not seeing the world. Thank you.
Love your photos & stories. Most interesting to your notes from the President.
Beautifully said. I’ve been impressed with him and pleased he is listening and that he is right there on your ship. Makes all the difference being face to face.
Let me know if you are yearning for something from the US! I’m gathering crew gifts this week!
What a nice offer! I think I am OK. But I am planning a bit of shopping during the turnover day in Fort Lauderdale….
But did you hit him up for a JOB?!! If nothing else, you could be the on-board memoir-and-blogger guru.
I did give the VP/Public Affairs with him my card, but said I wasn’t looking for work, just offering to provide more insights if they wanted. We’ll see.
AND that’s why YOU are a great world traveler!! Just recently, someone explain to me that on our trips, we will meet some who are travelers, and those who are tourists.
Still enjoying your blog so much! Thanks again.
Jo, your pics of Copenhagen brought back fond memories of the year (1995) my mom and I toured Scandinavia starting with Denmark and the city of Copenhagen. I found the city very cosmopolitan, crowded, but friendly. Are you aware that the Danes are also very much into nude sunbathing?? Ask me how I know!! We much preferred Sweden and Norway and found the Swedes the friendliest (I may be biased) and the Norwegians much more reclusive but also friendly. Glad to see you are progressing so well with your knee and are finally able to leave the ship for tours.